Things you can anticipate from me in 2010:
- Saying 20-10. Not 2000 & 10, but 20-10. Anyone else doing this?
- Military nonfiction. Yup, you read that right. Lately, it seems that all I want to read about is the military. And not even military fiction; I burned through that genre when I was a teenager and I haven't looked back.* No, instead it's memoirs about serving, or following a platoon through boot camp, or a historical view on battles throughout history. I've come up with a list longer than you'd think of books I want to read on military conflicts, women serving throughout history, and--God forbid--politics. (And I despise politics.)
As it stands now, my reading list:
One Bullet Away--reread (Finished this one last week)Love My Rifle More Than You: Young and Female in the U.S. Army--finished 1/4/10Generation Kill--rereadHog Pilots, Blue Water Grunts: The American Military in the Air, at Sea, and on the GroundImperial Grunts: On the Ground with the American Military, from Mongolia to the Philippines to Iraq andBeyond House to HouseFirst to Fight: An Inside View of the U.S. Marine CorpsAmerican SpartansAWOL: The Unexcused Absence of America's Upper Classes from Military Service -- and How It Hurts Our Countryand finally, Fiasco
- A complete avoidance of reading challenges. Seriously, I'm swearing off of them. (Note the irony in this statement when compared to the above point.)
- A possible move. I'm becoming... tired of Blogger. Nothing wrong with it, but I'm kind of feeling like a change might possibly be in order. We'll see.
- More posting. I'm putting myself on a schedule.
*I wish I could remember that book. It was about a platoon, two platoons, in Vietnam, the Double Deuces, or Double Aces, and the nurses at the camp. A guy died, I think his name was Ace, and Susan/Sue--one of the nurses--married the dead guy's friend, who was a the head of one of the platoons. And there a was a nurse named Jane who was sleeping with someone. If I recall, there was a sequel/second book too. Ugh.This is going to bug me now. If anyone wants to be, I don't know, psychic and tell me what book this was, my brain would really appreciate it.